title more farts

... und iagendwaunn kimmt a fia Di des weisse Liacht,
oder des schwoaze Liacht,
oder des grüne Liacht,
oder im schlimmsten Foi des blaue Liacht.
Is eh wuascht.
Nua denk drau: es gibt imma nu an Bassgruuv dahinta

front cover
cover illustration by Fredl Hofer

& download your pdf-cover print files from

This is our sixth production. And - again - recorded live.
During a summer party at Cafe Sack.

animation 1
Baby, What Are You Doing ?

Full Loopy! (Manna!)

The Farts meet together one times a year to tell the latest storys and exchanging views.
This group reunions are always somewhat dangerous. Give a ear and you will understand.
This is adventurous Free-Rock! There is not one note composed, this music falls from heaven like Manna! Or it comes up from hell. Sometimes together. A fully uncoupled band lurching round, unbalancing the wondering amazed auditory.
This album is somewhat bullish. Working with the material I had doubt about, but when I heard the cutted tracks a second, third and fourth time I was able to appreciate. But that's not exactly news, all the MudShurko music comes from elsewhere.


Again And Again

6.853 kB



Baby, What Are You Doing

5.068 kB



Dara Dididita

4.360 kB




6..587 kB



Ceuta Express

4.492 kB




973 kB



Das Weisse Licht

7.791 kB




6.482 kB



Red's Net So Vue Scheisse

5.999 kB



Pontiac Parisienne 1958

7.030 kB


You Said Love You 8.834 KB
Down To Dixie 7.977 KB
I Got My House 5.875 KB
Colored Blue 2.785 KB
Magic Rollin
7.195 KB
I'm Loving Loving Loving 2.355 KB

CD total time


oder download ganze CD
(mp3_cd.zip, 85.945 kB)
16 Tracks + Cover (pdf)
cover box

Dita Lasser: E-Bass. E- and Ac. Guitars, Vocals
Dietmar Rauner-Quietensky: E-Bass, E-Guitar, Vocals
Fredl Hofer: E-Guitar, Vocals
Achim Kupfer: E-Guitar
Joe Schinagl: Ac. Guitar, Perc.
Peter Rausch: Perc
Sabine Oppeneiger: Vocals
MudShurko: Drums, Perc., E-Bass, Ac. Guitar, Synth

back cover
cover art: Fredl Hofer -
Fotos: Hofer / Rauner

recorded live Aug. 2011
with TASCAM US-800 and Cubase5
at Cafe Sack, Lembach i.M., Obernort 10
eine Mudshurko production ©2012


The original-CD, published in a circulation of twenty pieces,
was delivered with this smellsalt phials to confront in the event of fainting spells.

You can mix this by yourselve.
Take some salt of the hartshorn,
mix it with a pinch of beautiful colored bath salts
(you may also take some food color)
Fill this into appropriate flasks.
(Take only vessels, which can be air-sealed)
The mixture smells slightly at the moment.
So add some drops of lavender oil.
Now you should obtain the most important ingredient,
this is ammonia solution 25% (Liquor Ammonia)
(You will find this in selected drugstores).
Add dropwise using a pipette 1-2 ml into the flask.
Now close it carefully.
Thats it!
The flask is ready for use.

Insert The Old Farts into the cd player, capping the headpones.
If possible put the flask to the partner you trust.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

smell salts flacon

01 (4:57) AGAIN AND AGAIN, rockig, spacig, ganz ok (Opener)
Achim: e-guitar, Dita: ac-guitar, voc (ganz am Ende)
Rauner: voc, MudShurko: drums, synth, Joe: perc

02 (3:35) BABY, WHAT ARE YOU DOING, rocknroll, fetzig, Start superb, Ende fade out
Rauner: voc - Achim e-guitar - Dita: guitar
MudShurko: drums, synth - Joe: perc

03 (3:06) DARA DIDIDITA, interessant, jazz-experimentell, ein bissl zu laut
Dita: guit, voc - Rauner: e-bass - MudShurko: synth, drums

04 (4:42) SOLILOQUIZING jazz, clubatmosphäre, sehr direkt
Dita: guit, voc - Rauner: e-bass - MudShurko: drums

05 (3:13) CEUTA EXPRESS Joe Schinagl Solo, scheppernde Gitarre, nicht perfekt, aber eigenartig
Joe: Guitar - MudShurko: Synth, Drums

06: (0:43) GODWANA Achim meditiert, spaciges Fragment
Achim: Guitar - Rauner: Bass
MudShurko: Perc, Synth

07: (5:31) DAS WEISSE LICHT Lasser's Brachial-Philosophie, völlig durchgeknallt
Dita: Voice, E-Bass - Rauner: Ac.Guitar
Joe: Perc. - MudShurko: Drums, Perc., Synth

08: (4:37) BARBACENA (long time ago) südamerikanscher Strudelteig, Sabine singt, gekürzte Version
Achim: E-Guitar - Dita: E-Bass
Sabine: Vocals - MudShurko: Ac.Guitar, Drums

the farts playin

09: (4:16) RED'S NET SO VÜ SCHEISSE, Rock, in Memoriam Sparifankal
Achim: E-Guitar - Sabine: Vocals
Dita: E-Bass, Vocals - MudShurko: Ac.Guitar, Drums

10: (5:00) PONTIAC PARISIENNE 1958, Fredl Rock, 130 auf der Bundesstraße
Fredl: Guitar, Vocals - Dita: E-Bass - Rauner: E-Guitar
Peter: Perc. - MudShurko: Drums

11: (6:18) YOU SAID LOVE YOU Fredl surft durch die 60er und 70er Jahre
Fredl: E-Guitar, Vocals - Rauner: E-Guitar, Vocals
Dita: E-Bass
MudShurko: Drums, Synth

12: (5:43) DOWN TO DIXIE Lamour-Hatscher
Fredl: E-Guitar - Rauner: Voc1 - Dita: E-Bass, Voc2
Achim: E-Guit - MudShurko: Drums, Ac.Guit

13: (4:07) I GOT MY HOUSE eine Ballade, so schön und so fad, recorded 0:33 Uhr
Dita: Ac.Guitar, Vocals
MudShurko: E-Bass, Drums, Synth

14: (2:01) COLORED BLUE, Blues Fragment, Spielerei mit Synth
Achim: E-Guitar - MudShurko: Synths, Drums

15: (5:08) MAGIC ROLLIN Lasser's Abschiedslied, ein Solo, schmelz
Dita: Ac.Guitar, Vocals - MudShurko: Synth

16: (1:30) I'M LOVING LOVING LOVING nach dem Abschiedslied noch ein allerletztes Lied, weil das Aufhören doch so schwer ist (recording-Zeit 5:11 Uhr!)
Dita: Ac.Guitar, Vocals - MudShurko: assist. Bassynth

the ladies and ralf
the Old Farts Ladies listening attentive